woot! new Solo Leveling episode! :bitrock: .. so good.. shame it's over so fast

Just played the demo for Alterium Shift on Steam ... Game definitely has potential, but since it's still Early Access there's clearly some need for polish.. ran into 2 visual bugs during the short ~2hr demo, though nothing game-breaking. Still - will keep it on my wishlist for when it's out of Early Access :bitthumbsup:

so yeah.. Solo Leveling is pretty good .. Too bad it's only 5 episodes out sofar.. Was really starting to get into it.. now I gotta wait till the weekend for the rest of the series that I'm following as well.. oh well :lograzz:

Cawfee club is down at the moment..:bitsigh: I guess a good time as any to try and update my follow list a bit on here :bitdremel:

have "Labyrinth" by Gfriend stuck in my head all day for some reason :bitrock:

listening to old 90s rap tunes :bitgrin:

aha! :bitidea: now I realized why I wasn't seeing an updated Version number for .. the processes hadn't been fully killed by systemctl so it wasn't running the latest code until now.. Which looks much better! :bitthumbsup:

was able to update finally:bitrock: after telling git to check out the poetry.lock file (still dont understand why git was confused :bitbash: ).. although the version number didnt change on the main page.. hmmmmm I wonder if I'm missing something :bithuh:

I think I need to install reactive resume ... Yet I'm debating whether I want to have BOTH MariaDB and PostgreSQL running at the same time on my limited VPS ...hmmmmm :bitidea:

Didn't sleep well last night, yet I'm surprisingly awake and functional today.. how does that work :loghuh:

In any event, I pray that this means I'll definitely get a good sleep tonight ..

Hitting the retrogame convention tomorrow for the first time in 3 years! :bitclap:

Just added Threads to my instance blocklist.. Begone, Zuck! :logshakefist:

I need to find a way to Hide stuff on microblog pub .. Akkoma/Pleroma has a Hide feature that I quite like when someone i enjoy following posts some nasty things i just don't want to see everytime i load my timeline...

hmmm i maybe have to start learning the code :logscience:

woot! finally beat Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Spirit of Justice .. .Good stuff :bitclap: :bitrock: :bitthumbsup:

Taxes: done :logsweat:

The Largest Guitar Pedal Collection :logshock: ..this guy really knows his history


Hmmm looks like cawfee club is Dead :logsad:

:goose_honk: New 27" monitor! woo! :bitclap: :bitrock: :bitrock:

Looks like cawfee.club is borked :logcry: reasons why it's good that I made this instance amongst others

Phew.. my Analogue Pocket is still En Route.. I thought it might have been lost in the mail :logsweat: Should have it by Monday let's hope :goose_honk: :goose_honk:

I should have brought my 3DS with me.. :logsweat: